Move Mountains Giving Campaign

Move Mountains Annual Giving Campaign
The funds we raise through this campaign will be used at a time when there is a real need for the organization. The funds raised in 2021 were used to support the continued participation of members experiencing hardship due to COVID-related factors.
WSAE supports association professionals and, through Moving Mountains, you can support WSAE and its important mission.
Give what you can. Every little bit helps and all donors will be recognized on our website.
Together, we can Move Mountains - We certainly are Stronger by Association!
The WSAE is a 501c6 organization. Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions on the donor's federal income tax return. They may be deductible as trade or business expenses if ordinary and necessary in the conduct of the taxpayer's business. Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your deductions. WSAE Employee Identification Number (EIN): 39-1257896 (reference: IRS website)
As I look to my retirement in 2023, it’s natural to look back at associations I have served. Because of WMC, Wisconsin has strong businesses; because of CUES, international consumers have access to credit and sound financial services, and because of AACD, patients around the world receive outstanding ethical, comprehensive dental care.
Wisconsin Society of Association Executives has been here for me. With the help of WSAE, its educators, and “member friends,” I tackled new association-specific duties, studied for my Certified Association Executive exam, and made the leap to become a chief executive.
Now it’s my turn to be here for WSAE. I’m glad to do my part, and hope other WSAE members will join me. WSAE serves the people who serve the world.
Barb Kachelski, CAE, Past Chair, WSAE Board of Directors
For almost all of my professional career, I’ve been a member of the Wisconsin Society of Association Executives. It’s where I learn about trends in leadership and nonprofit governance; it’s where I sharpen my own professional skills and it’s where I get ideas and tips from friends and fellow professionals. WSAE has become my home for professional development.
That’s why I am a donor to the Move Mountains campaign; and it’s why I am asking you to join me.
Jerry Deschane, CAE, IOM, 2022 Chairman, WSAE Board of Directors

The Move the Mountains with WSAE campaign gives ME an opportunity to give back to an organization that has helped me grow as an association executive. Finding likeminded professionals to celebrate wins and discuss problem-solving proven techniques to overcome challenges has been a valuable asset in my association toolkit. I look forward to welcoming new associates to WSAE and helping them to see the value that I have seen over the years.
Denise Husenica, MBA, CAE, 2022 WSAE Chair-Elect
Thank you to donors!
- Bill Elliott, CAE, Wisconsin Hotel & Lodging Association, Inc.
- Megan Hille, CAE, CMP, Executive Director, Inc.
- Ashtin Neuschaefer, CAE, Executive Director, Inc.
- Jennifer Rzepka, Association Resource Center (ARC)
- Elizabeth Schlicht, Association Accumen, LLC
- Jennie Socha, CAE, Executive Director, Inc.
- Amy Supple, The Edgewater
- Michael Theo, CAE, Michael Theo Consulting, LLC
- Michelle Vetterkind, Wisconsin Broadcasters Association
- Denise L. Husenica, MBA, CAE, National Fluid Power Association
2022 75 Club Members In celebration of WSAE's 75 years, we recognize all donors who give $75 or more in a special "75 Club" category.
- Jerry Deschane, IOM, CAE, League of Wisconsin Municipalities
- Kim DiMaggio, NARI of Madison, Inc
- Bill Elliott, CAE, Wisconsin Hotel & Lodging Association
- Megan Hille, CAE, CMP, Executive Director, Inc
- Denise L. Husenica, MBA, CAE, National Fluid Power Association
- Barb Kachelski, CAE, American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
- David Schade, First Business Bank
- Elizabeth R. Schlicht, CAE, Association Acumen, LLC
- Michelle Vetterkind, CAE, Wisconsin Broadcasters Association